STEP 2 - View your Matches
The scheme automatically checks for homes that match your requirements.
This happens every day, so don’t worry if you don’t get many matches as first because new homes will be added all the time.
“Matches” are found using the following criteria:
- Location - the matched home must be in an area you have specified that you want to live in and the tenant of the other home wants to live where you are. This information is provided by stating your preferred areas by place name (e.g. parish, town or village) and the distance from that place.
- Bedrooms - the matched home must have the number of bedrooms you have requested, and the tenant of the other home must match with your home using the same criteria.
- Home Type - the matched home must be of a type (i.e. house, bungalow, maisonette, flat, bed-sit / studio) that you have specified you want, and your home must be of a type that the tenant of the other home has requested
Features - we will also provide matches on home features. These are items like double glazing, parking or heating. If a match has additional features to those you require then this will still be shown as a match.
Each home has a % score so you can see how closely they match your requirements.

Remember to be flexible – just because a home isn’t a 100% match doesn’t mean you won’t like it. Take a look at the home advert and contact the other swapper – it could be your dream home!
STEP 3 - Contacting other swappers >